Workshops and training
Gościniec Zagaje > Workshops and training
Termin: 16.-18.09.2022
These will be 3 days of intense being together, featuring the Haki Me Tight® workshop by Sue Johnson.
With the knowledge gained, the support of the facilitators, and the creation of a comfortable space, you will be able to walk as a couple through the seven conversations that are the foundation for creating a secure bond for life.
Terms: 17.–19.06.2022 / 24.-26.06.2022 / 15.-17.07.2022 / 29.-31.07.2022
It is said that vibrations are the key to understanding the nature of the world and man, because everything is ENERGY. Good and positive vibrations (literally and figuratively) bring the body and mind into a state of deep relaxation, calm, remove the pernicious effects of stress, strengthen immunity and allow you to reconnect with yourself.
Price from 960 PLN per weekend
Terms: 13.-17.05.2022 / 27.-31.05.2022
If detox, then only in spring! Right now is the perfect time to cleanse the body of toxins, a chance to get rid of extra pounds (lucky him who did not accumulate them in the winter…), as well as free the mind from excess thoughts. Our vegan berry detox restores balance and awakens vitality.